Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My New Training Split for 2011

I've been doing the Strong-lifts 5x5 program for awhile as my main plan but I feel I need a change this year so I am going to be trying Layne Norton's Power/Hypertrophy Split. Utilizing both heavy weight with low reps and moderate weight with higher reps I will be able to work the muscle differently with each workout. I'm still working on personal changes to the routine but I hope to have a rough draft up by tonight.

Monday, January 17, 2011

2011 Transformation

This is the year I fully transform my body. No excuses or regrets, it is time to put it all on the line. Tomorrow I will complete my workout plan and post it accordingly. I'm doing light work while prepping for this but I am really looking forward to getting started. Time to push my limits.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting Organized

So I'm a huge believer in having things organized and planned. I used to just exercise with what I thought was intensity and eat with no real plans. It was not until I started tracking and logging my workouts and nutrition did I truly begin to see results. So the lesson I took away from that is by at least attempting to organize my life and having life goals planned I can increase productivity and reach my goals in a timely fashion.